Learn how I generated over $100,000+ in extra revenue by spending only $3,600 in 2 years on Google Ads, without an agency...and how you can too with my 25 page DIY Google Ads Guide.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I was spending $900 per month with an agency and getting lots of traffic but few bookings. Thanks to Martin’s help I’m getting new patients for about $14 each! I highly recommend.

— Dr Jenny L.

Get my 25 Page pdf Google Ads Guidebook to show you exactly how you can set my exact system up for yourself…in a weekend. You’ll get:

✅ 25 page pdf guide with instant download

✅ My exact keywords and how to set them up correctly to avoid Google wasting your budget

✅ My exact ad copy and offer that coverts at 20%

✅ My bidding system to ensure optimal ROI

✅ Normal price is $244…don’t miss out on the $97 special offer!

LIMITED TIME OFFER $97! Normally $244.

Hello fellow Chiropractor,

Over the past 2 years I’ve been running Google Ads that have generated 304 new patients for a cost of $11.80 each.

These are 304 real, fantastic, new patients… as in they booked online, 90%+ turn up rate and are eager to receive care.

Key Points:

  • I spent about $3,600 on Google ads has produced an extra $100K+ in practice revenue in the past 2 years 🎉

  • It's actually more than 304 new patients because I’ve also gotten many referrals!

  • Google ads simple to run. I haven't changed my ads in over 2 years! They are evergreen. I run ads 24/7 and only pause when I'm on holiday.

  • Relying only on organic google search is a mistake. If I wasn't running ads then my new patients would have gone to whoever was ….your potential new patients rarely make it to the organic listings.

  • You can have Google Ads set up and ready to run in a weekend. With my step-by step guide it’s completely doable.

  • I’m now helping Chiropractors around the world to grow their practices and saving them up to $2,000 per month. With my systems there’s no need to pay expensive agency fees.

Here is a screenshot of my results from my Google Ads account: 

I wasn't always this successful with Google ads...

I’m Dr Martin Keegan DC from Whitehorse Family Chiropractic in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia, a practice I started from scratch, straight out of Chiropractic school back in 1996, when it comes to marketing, I think I’ve done almost all of it, and nothing I’ve done has compared to how effortless and effective these Google Ads are.

In the past I never had great success with Google Ads.

I’d try it and get mediocre results, get disappointed, leave it alone for a year or more, and then retry again.

For example, when I retried Google Ads in Nov 2021, following all the ‘wisdom’ I could find on the internet, my results were terrible!

Here are my actual Google Ads ‘results’ from November 2021… this was before I knew what I know now.

In Nov 2021 I spent $261 for 2 patients… which is $131 each!!! 😱

Now, for $261, I’ll average about 22 new patients… which is 10 times more cost effective! It sounds to good to be true but it’s not.

So what changed in January 2022?

Well, as luck would have it, in January 2022 I met someone who was running her own e-commerce wellness brand online and doing well. She said that it was really down to ads and she asked if I ran ads.

 I told her that for my practice that Google ads don’t work.

She looked at me very sceptically and said she was pretty sure Google Ads worked great….and if it wasn’t working for me then, there’s no way I had the right formula.

She kindly offered to help me. 

I’m glad I said yes… the formula she shared turned out to be gold 🌟

2 years later, I had an extra 304 new patients from Google ads alone… at a cost of just $11.80 each with a conversion rate of 20%!!! Google Ads definitely work.

Here’s the screenshots of my Google ads account in Jan 2024:

I run my Google Ads 24 /7, and so should you!

If your practice is full or if you are already running Google Ads with similar results, then well done & congratulations.

However, if you would like more new patients then I can show you exactly how to run Google Ads profitably, without an agency.

Get my 25 Page pdf Google Ads Guidebook to show you exactly how you can set my exact system up for yourself…in a weekend. You’ll get:

✅ 25 page pdf guide with instant download

✅ My exact keywords and how to set them up correctly to avoid Google wasting your budget

✅ My exact ad copy and offer that coverts at 20%

✅ My bidding system to ensure optimal ROI

✅ Normal price is $244…don’t miss out on the $97 special offer!

LIMITED TIME OFFER $97! Normally $244.